About Us




Rasp Coffee was born from passion. . . 
A passion for good coffee.  It seemed no matter where or when we enjoyed free time, there was a terrible coffee to be found around every corner.  We at Rasp Coffee decided to change that.

On a modest electric roaster we set out to ensure every family campfire, every game of shinny on the pond, would have a satisfying roast nearby.  As friends and family tasted our blend, they too desired more.  Upgrading from our tiny roaster in a basement in Whitecourt to one that would meet our new demand, we began honing our craft.  Steadfast in our goals and experiencing steady growth, we now have a brand others enjoy and we are proud of -- Rasp Coffee.

A great coffee bean at a great price, Rasp Coffee has flavour for all to enjoy. We continue to grow while maintaining our core values: family, supporting local business, and giving back to communities that have helped us grow. 
100% Canadian. 100% Local. 100% Satisfying.
Rasp Coffee looks forward to serving you in the future!